American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Students of Pharmacy (APhA-ASP)
The mission of the American Pharmacists Association is to provide information, education, and advocacy to help all pharmacists improve medication use and advance patient care. APhA is one of the largest pharmacy organizations; APhA is composed of more than 50,000 members including practicing pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists, student pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and others interested in advancing the profession. Our LECOM chapter focuses on community involvement and education through the four operations: Operation Diabetes, Operation Heart, Operation Immunization, and Generation RX. Students that are interested in developing their leadership potential are able to partake in the Leadership Training Series (LTS) exclusively for APhA-ASP members. The APhA-ASP LTS is a four-part series that will be offered over four years of student pharmacist’s education. Upon completion of the series, participants will receive an APhA-ASP LTS Recognition of Participation, signed by the APhA Executive Vice President and the APhA-ASP National President. This is an excellent CV or resume builder. Active members are eligible for numerous awards, grants, discounts, and scholarships.
If you are interested in joining, here is a google form to fill out so you can stay updated with the organization’s events and meeting dates!
APhA-ASP Executive Board 2022 – 2023
President: Abby Broomfield
President-Elect: Medina Hamzagic
Membership Vice President: Jermin Adrawy
Finance Vice President: Alissa Frazzini
Communications Vice President: Marisa Lapp
Policy Vice President: Thomas Gadalh
Patient Care Vice President: Peyton Ellinger
Secretary: Shelby Matthews
IPSF Coordinator:
DE Liaison:
FPA Liaison:
Operation Diabetes:
Operation Heart:
Operation Women’s Health:
Operation Immunization:
Operation Youth Empowerment:
Generation Rx:
APhA-ASP Executive Board 2021 – 2022
President: Monica Sawiris
President-Elect: Abby Broomfield
Membership Vice President: Eva Miller
Finance Vice President: Nicholas Awad
Communications Vice President: Kelli Frix
Policy Vice President: Sarah Sukhai
Patient Care Vice President: Karen Loyd
Secretary: Amanda Clark
IPSF Coordinator:
DE Liaison:
FPA Liaison:
Operation Diabetes:
Operation Heart:
Operation Women’s Health:
Operation Immunization:
Operation Youth Empowerment:
Generation Rx:
APhA-ASP Executive Board 2020 – 2021
President: Hallie Zagrocki
President-Elect: Monica Sawiris
Membership Vice President: Sarah Sukhai
Finance Vice President: Morgana Sasso
Communications Vice President: Prince Alam
Policy Vice President: Danet Espinosa
Patient Care Vice President: Kristen Manley
Secretary: Nicholas Awad
IPSF Coordinator: Sabrina Alahmad
DE Liaison: Savanna Mills
FPA Liaison: Jenna Cameron
Operation Diabetes: Karen Loyd & Danisleydi Barrera Perez
Operation Heart: TBD
Operation Women’s Health: Brooke McMahon & Maivel Salieb
Operation Immunization: Jason Murphy & Andrea Vasquez
Operation Youth Empowerment: Fenny Rasania & Maya Mwanza
Generation Rx: Sarah Stoner & Laura Andress
Advisor: Dr. Kelly Scolaro
APhA-ASP Executive Board 2019-2020
President: Elizabeth Fernandez
President-Elect: Hallie Zagrocki
Membership Vice President: Michael Zabik
Finance Vice President: Matthew Haas
Communications Vice President: Cara Thomas
Policy Vice President: Kelly Yeoman
Patient Care Vice President: Langeda Bontemps
Secretary: Shelby Landau
IPSF Coordinator: Loan Tran
DE Liaison: R. Dex Ladner
FPA Liaison: Jenna Cameron
Operation Diabetes: Walters Chest & Kristin Manley
Operation Heart: Andrea Birsco & Ronald Burton
Operation Immunization: Eric Newton & Hop Nguyen
Operation Youth Empowerment: Pedro Gil & Maya Mwanza
Generation Rx: Yarittza Almora & Kaylee Alwine